Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A special limited time guarantee for blog readers...

Ok, this is only for my blog readers! You have seen the pictures... now time for your own success story. Here is my limited time guarantee.... IF you go to my personal website, order and sign up to be a Loyal Customer by midnight on NOVEMBER 10** conditions below, I will guarantee that you will love the product or it will cost ME $50. Here's the "skinny"...

  • Go to the website, and put these items in your "bag" to order... 1 4pack of the Ultimate Applicator, 1 container (or 30 pack) of Greens, and 1 It's Vital.
  • When you check out, select to be a Loyal Customer. This will price your order at $116 to $121 plus shipping... (a savings of $61-70 over retail by the way!!!)
  • If you don't LOVE it and think it is totally worth it by the time your next autoship is due, we'll cancel your autoship and I will personally pay your $50 LC cancellation fee. 
  • IF YOU LOVE IT, and I am sure you will, after your 3 months of autoship, I will give you a FREE box of Organo Gold coffee!!!

I am so sure that you are gonna love It Works! that I am putting my money where my mouth is. :) Now, go shop!!!! I'll be here when you are ready to sign up as a distributor... lol....

Michelle :)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thank goodness it's over... lol...

So, it is 8:30 PST and they are already calling the election for Obama. Which I would be happy to hear EXCEPT that I think that is a little silly. Our voting closed precisely thirty-two minutes ago on the west coast... damn media just needing to have something for people to watch today. It ain't over until the concession speech, in my opinion. I am far more interested in what is said tomorrow! I hope that Ref 74 in Washington State is approved, and that Prop 37 in California is approved, and all candidates voted into all offices are cool with a woman's right to choose. Yeah, that about sums it up. I am about to pour me a Hot Apple Pie (aka cider, Tuaca, and whipped cream) and continue to flip between Fox News and MSNBC with LTB... and enjoy the ruckus. I coined a good phrase tonight on a friend's facebook...

The "ates"... debATE and educATE, don't hATE.

I am hoping that now we can be done with all this and get back to the business of fixing America for Americans... :) I hope that when this is all done, we can find a way to stop being so divided and realize that we are all looking for the same things, just with a different name. The amount of blue and red doing battle lately is making me feel like I am in the middle of a gang war in South Central!! LMAO! Let's get to healing and fixing, regardless of who wins.

On a different note, today I registered for my last official quarter at Tacoma Community College! At the end of winter quarter, I will have my direct transfer associates in Business and will be ready to start at U.W. in the Fall 2013 quarter. I do have to say that I am pretty gosh darn excited to have 2 quarters off between then though!! Time to build my businesses :)

And........ I got my Greens and It's Vital today.... my very own containers, not the ones "given" to me by my upline! I am excited to see what adding the It's Vital to my daily routine vs the OTC Costco multivitamins does. And I have been sending out Organo Gold samples like crazy... email me at with your name and address if you want me to send you a free sample. The email is in to get my Wildtree items on their way... can't wait to share that with you. Check out my blog tomorrow... I have a big announcement for a challenge to you!!!!!!!!

Well, that Hot Apple Pie is calling my name.... Congrats, Mr. President.... I think..... lol....

Catch ya later, alligator! -M.

Friday, November 2, 2012

For the record...

For the record, the pics I have posted and the health and weight loss I have talked about are, I'm sure, related to my diet but not the result of it. During the course of the last few years, I have tried being gluten free, South Beach, Adkins, blah blah blah. For the last couple of months, I have been eating a plant based whole food diet. But don't get me wrong.... I am by no means great at it, so I know that it is not the source of my current health and weight loss. I'm willing to bet that it has not hurt matters any to be mostly vegetarian, but I am by no means perfect. I don't consume any dairy, except the occasional bit of cheese because that is just too yummy to always resist. I don't freak out if what I am eating has dairy IN IT, so I am not totally vegan. I eat things with gluten now. I try to avoid processed things... and I avoid high fructose corn syrup at all costs... Agave too... only stevia for me. BUT I AM NOT PERFECT. Hell, I ate sausage pizza 2 days ago... and Carne Asada a week ago... and sushi a month ago or so. And I think I have eaten my weight in Almond Joys in the last 48 hours!!!

The point to all this is THIS... I am a normal person. You absolutely can have the results I am having with what I am doing. I will get back to the gym, but I will never be a "work out every day for 2 hours" girl. If you exercise, good for you- you are one step ahead of me already!!! I try to make good food decisions most of the time... both for my health and for my little socio-economic reasons. I work too much, sleep too little, am a little too stressed most days about miscellaneous crap... NORMAL.

I am sick of hearing that it's simple- you burn off more calories than you take in and you will lose weight. Bullshit. Our bodies are complex machines, and they are not wired to deal with the curve balls we throw at them in the present day. We were built to be hunters and gatherers, not sit on our asses all day with all of life's conveniences at our fingertips, breathing polluted air and surviving on a toxic planet. I know that I am sounding a bit "tree hugger", but it's true. Garbage in, garbage out.

So, make some good food choices when you can, vote for the right things with your dollar every time you spend money, and get ready to do something you have never done to get results you have never had. The wraps are working great for me and those I know who have tried it, and the Organo Gold coffee is doing my body right. What did you do good today for your body, your life, your planet? I know this was quite a rant, but I didn't want anyone to look at my pics or hear my story and think it was great for me, but they could never do it. YOU CAN. :)

Cordes out. :)

So many amazing things! PICTURES!

I thought I would start out today's post with a fun pic of me doing what I love, circa 2002 or so. This was taken hiking the Elk Lake trail in the Hoh rainforest area of Olympic National Park. I was in decent shape then for a bigger girl, and I would love to get even more fit before the big 4-0. :) When I get to hiking the AT, this is about what I will look like!!

Now, to a little nail tech funny. I had something happen to me this week that is a first for me... and after 15 years of doing nails, that doesn't come along too often. I was doing a mani/pedi in the pedi chair, and I had just gotten the base and first coat of polish on the sleeping and thrashing client I had, when she-while I was polishing her right hand-took her left hand and stretched it over her head and behind her head... AND LEFT IT THERE!!! I was like "Are you #$%^& * kidding me?!?". Thank goodness is was a tame medium pink... if she would have been wearing RED I would have cried! So, I patiently went around and coaxed her hand down, and fixed the 2 nails she had destroyed....... and SHE STILL HADN'T WOKEN UP! Geebus... how tired are people these days anyway?!? She was a fun one... I had to put rolled up towels in her hands as I was polishing because she would jerk and then squeeze my hand every time I touched her hand. I wanted to wake her up and say "You are aware you came in here for a MANICURE, right?". Lol... Oh well, I guess nobody can say that I don't make a client relax when they are in my chair!!! I left work early after that. I was exhausted!! :P

So, here is my important news. You all can say you read it here first, because I am gonna blow this up... you better get on board fast, because you wanna be near the top! As I have mentioned before, I have been doing some health things to try to get me fixed without surgery. I have had pitting edema for the last 6 months or so, it has even been weeping at times, and months of diuretics has not helped significantly. A client of mine gave me some samples of Organo Gold coffee to try, which is an "instant" type coffee product with Organic Ganoderma in it. (More on that in a minute...) She gave me hot chocolate, green tea, iced tea, regular coffee, and mocha. 5 samples. I drank one a day for the 5 days.... and by day 4 I was peeing like a racehorse... and by day 5 when I put my boots on to go to work, I had to tighten the belts because all my swelling was gone. That's right. GONE. This stuff fixed in FIVE DAYS what THREE MONTHS of prescription hadn't touched. Organo Gold is a Washington company, started in 2010, so I decided to do some research. Taken from good 'ol Wiki-
Ganoderma is a genus of polypore mushrooms which grow on wood, usually of Quercus variabilis Blume logs, and include about 80 species, many from tropical regions.[1] Because of their extensive use in traditional Asian medicines, and their potential in bioremediation, they are a very important genus economically.

Ok, so, the type of Ganoderma in Organo Gold is this one... Ganoderma lucidium... (wiki again...)

The lingzhi mushroom or reishi mushroom (traditional Chinese靈芝pinyinlíngzhīJapanesereishiVietnameselinh chi; literally: "supernatural mushroom") encompasses several fungal species of the genus Ganoderma, and most commonly refers to the closely related species, Ganoderma lucidum and Ganoderma tsugaeG. lucidum enjoys special veneration in East Asia, where it has been used as amedicinal mushroom in traditional Chinese medicine for more than 2,000 years,[1] making it one of the oldest mushrooms known to have been used medicinally. Because of lingzhi's presumed health value and apparent absence of side-effects, it has attained a reputation in the East as the ultimate herbal substance. Lingzhi is listed in the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia and Therapeutic Compendium.

Got it! So, as a fan of alternative medicine, this made me feel a little less "hokey" about using my "magic coffee"! Bottom line is this... we as a society are living in screwed up bodies that can't fix themselves in our polluted world. Cancer is EV. RY. WHERE. We are all fat... or struggling to not get fat. Lots of us have crappy health care or none at all. You can drink a cup of this stuff a day for about $1 a day... I feel great. I keep feeling better. That is all the proof I need. I want to send you a sample... email me to try it for yourself. You can order off my personal website at I also am looking for distributors... the farther spread out the better. We all make more money that way by not flooding a market. Once you try this stuff you will be on board!!! 

Now for the really, really cool news. About 2 weeks ago, I did my first It Works! wrap. I have been loathe to post pics because they are sort of embarrassing, but the results are too good to put off anymore. I have done 4 wraps on my stomach, and 2 facial wraps. I have recently added Greens and It's Vital to my daily routine, and between all of this and the coffee, I am sold! You have GOT to try this. Ready for the pics? 
Here we go... (ugggggg)....

  <--- Before :(                  :)After--->

I can't talk about inches, it's against the "rules"... but a picture says 1000 words!

Look how much less puffy my face looks!!!

Hard to totally tell from these pics, but just 2 wraps got rid of the lines on my forehead and totally smoothed out my skin.

Remember, this is only 2 weeks! I have 2 more wraps to do on my tummy (some people don't take as many, but let's face it, I haven't been a skinny minnie for a looooooong time...) and one more on my face! I am going to do 2 on that "upper butt/lower back area" and 3 on my thighs after this. I am super excited!

Are you ready to try yours?!? Go to and sign up as a "loyal customer". It is $99 for 4 wraps if you buy them at the regular price, but if you sign up as a loyal customer, you get discounted prices for committing to 3 months of auto ship which brings the price down to $59 for 4 wraps. Well worth the money, my friends! The supplement line is great too! Gotta get some Greens and It's Vital. Again, let me know if you want to be a distributor and I will get you set up. The distributor kit is $99 and includes 4 wraps so you can do your own success story! You can message me through the above link to my personal replicated webpage...

See, I am going to give myself 90 days of all this stuff and then go back to the Dr. and see where my health numbers are at.... This could be waaaaay lots cheaper than surgery, and probably healthier too. :)

Gotta go sign up for part 3 of the healthy challenge... Wildtree Herbs! More details on that next time... Now get to shopping! I'll post new pics as they become available... :)

-Ciao! M.

Business ONLY email...